Wednesday, June 30, 2010

{looking forward to some creative time tonight}

One of my biggest challenges, right now, is finding the time to do everything that I want to be doing with Lunenburg Press.  I want to buy a small letterpress press - I'm seriously looking at a hobby one, right now; I am trying to create inventory but often find that I'm too tired or that my "mojo" has gone!

This week, I'm off work - in Canada, we're celebrating Canada Day tomorrow - as a three and a half day work week held no appeal to me!  Today is really the first day where I've felt that I could be remotely creative on paper.  I'm hoping for some serious creative time this afternoon and especially this evening, after the child has gone to bed and before I pick up the hubsters from his job.

So, I'm off to drop the hubs off to work - and then for some serious playtime for Mommy!